Allowed values: Codeunit, Table, Page, Report, Query, XmlPort Rename the output files to prevent clashes with the source. The path of the directory into which the converted AL files will be placed. The path of the directory containing the.
Run the tool from the command line using the following syntax: txt2al -source -target -rename -type -extensionStartId -injectDotNetAddIns -dotNetAddInsPackage -dotNetTypePrefix -translationFormat -addLegacyTranslationInfo. Go to the \Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central\140\RoleTailored Client folder and locate the txt2al.exe converter tool. For more information, see Generating DELTA Files. delta files using the Compare-NAVApplicationObject PowerShell script. For more information, see Making Pages and Reports Searchable in the Web client Run the Set-ObjectPropertiesFromMenuSuite cmdlet, which will convert MenuSuite information on pages and reports in the generated AL objects to enable them for search. Export all new and/or modified objects using the following syntax:įinsql.exe Command=ExportToNewSyntax, File=, Database="", ServerName= ,Filter=Type=table ID= The following example exports the table 231 from the Demo Database NAV (13-0) database: finsql.exe Command=ExportToNewSyntax, File=exportedNewModifiedObjects.txt, Database="Demo Database NAV (13-0)", ServerName=.\NAVDEMO ,Filter=Type=table ID=231. Import your solution using the import option in C/SIDE and compile the database. Make an export of all the baseline objects in the command line using the following syntax:įinsql.exe Command=ExportToNewSyntax, File=, Database="", ServerName= ,Filter=Type=table ID= The following example exports the table 225 from the Demo Database NAV (13-0) database: finsql.exe Command=ExportToNewSyntax, File=exportedBaselineObjects.txt, Database="Demo Database NAV (13-0)", ServerName=.\NAVDEMO ,Filter=Type=table ID=225.
It's very important that you compile the database to get the right result in the next step. Start with a clean Dynamics NAV database and compile the database.To run the Txt2Al conversion tool, follow the steps outlined below. Or, it's installed locally with Dynamics NAV Development Environment, for example, in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central\140\RoleTailored Client" folder. You find the txt2al.exe on the installation media (DVD) in the "DVD\RoleTailoredClient\program files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\140\RoleTailored Client" folder. The AL objects created by the tool will be compatible with later versions. Use this version no matter what later version you may eventually be upgrading to. The Txt2Al conversion tool (txt2al.exe) is only available with version 14, which is the last version to support C/AL. Converting the objects to the new syntax.Exporting the objects from C/SIDE in a cleaned.Converting the objects consists of following two steps:
al format is used when developing extensions for Dynamics 365 Business Central. The Txt2Al conversion tool allows you to take C/AL objects, which were created in Dynamics NAV or Business Central Spring 2019 (version 14), and convert them into the new.